Friday, September 25, 2015

Lightning and Boyfriends and Me

It's interesting.


The electric veins of the sky.

If you're not terrified of it, you love it.

The thunder rumbles your bones. Each flash of lightning caught in your eyes makes your heart beat a little bit faster.

We only see lightning on the way back up. The electricity shoots through the air, ready to grab onto anything. And when it does, we can see it. Making a connection visible for everyone.

I am lightning.

I am reaching out for something. Someone. Anyone.

My inner screams are thunder.

Can anyone hear me?

I see the couples holding hands in the hallway.

I hear the first kiss stories from girls younger than me.

I feel my heart ache as I fade into the background.

Will I even be seen until I make a connection?

I don't want someone to kiss and then avoid in the hallways forever after.

I don't want someone who is expecting to be my only love and has figured out our wedding colors and how many kids we're going to have and each of their names and blood types and-

I don't even want a boyfriend.

I just want someone who understands me and likes to talk to me and thinks I'm funny.

Someone who I can laugh with.

Someone who I like just as much as he likes me. Which is hopefully a lot.

I just want a connection.

Is a spark too much to ask for?


  1. huge fan of this post--love the comparison and i can relate. a lot. thanks. and i like your music

  2. Thanks for describing my thoughts exactly. This was amazing.

  3. " i hear first kiss stories from girls younger than me"
    " i just want a conncection"
    THIS IS MY FAVORITE POST EVER. your blog is my favorite blog. not kidding

  4. Love the realness to this.
    Don't worry your connection will come :)

    1. Even if its not in high school that's okay :) (most high school boys are dumb any way) :)

    2. Haha thanks. And ani't that the truth.

  5. This post is so much more mature than most other writer's. I couldn't agree more with what you have to say here.

  6. I just re-read this and i know i already commented way back in september, but that was a very lame comment.. But you put into words exactly what i want too.
