Sunday, March 27, 2016

Solve for x

He was always good at math. He liked solving problems because it helped him feel like he could solve his own. 

And finding x was easier to understand than figuring out why she became his ex. 

Numbers were his friends and his friends were only numbers. 

Because to him, everything was numbers.

He spent his time adding heartaches because that seemed as easy as arithmetic.

2 failed classes (this term)
13 things on his to do list
1 lost job
0 current jobs
1 break up
3 lost friends
1 lost to moving
2 lost to different friends
1 divorce
Countless times holding back tears
1 time when he couldn't stop them

When he finally let all those tears free the negative integers from his heart, he remembered the most important thing about hard times. 

They are not infinite. 

And when he hit his minimum, life finally sloped upwards. And after going down for so long, shooting up again was exhilarating.

Now he multiplied by positives. 

7 new friends found through 1 new hobbie and 1 new job
14 things on his still long to do list, but 0 of them worried him anymore
He still had 0 girlfriends, but he learned to live without having 1
1 family still broken into 2, but now he could see the path to making himself 1 again
1 future that had so many possibilities

And on the day he was dropped off at 1 of the 3 colleges he got into because of 2 math scholarships, he looked up at a bright new world, full of infinities. 

And smiled. 

Saturday, March 26, 2016

A Thousand Pictures

They say a picture is worth a thousand words

And even though a don't know exactly who "they" are, I do know one thing

They're wrong

Because it's the other way around

Just ask Google Images