Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Live A Little

All you talk about are the movies you've seen

The books you've read

The fandoms you're part off

You spend all day on Netflix finding the popular TV shows

Fan fictions

Tumblr posts

Just so you can join the conversation

I love all that stuff too


Where our time goes

Our hearts go

You can tell me a million random facts about a million random books

But you can't tell me five things you've done last summer that you will remember

That you can tell your children you did and they'll listen with wide eyes and say,

"I want to live like that too."

Where are the memories going?

We joke about how we spent all weekend staring at a screen

But we know it hurts

But we also know that all our friends did it too

And we'd rather watch Sherlock for seven hours straight and get a headache

Than go do something we've always wanted to do and be behind on the TV show that we hardly care about

A reader lives a thousand lives

Unless they've forgotten to live their own

Then they never lived at all

Good lives are filled with books

Great lives are filled with memories


The greatest lives have both.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Five Months Left Guys

I remember on April fools day telling my Kindergarten teacher an elephant was going to step on the school, then being told, "April Fools is for recess."

I remember moving to Georgia and then having my parents called in to talk to the principal because I said "crap" (It's like a swear word there or something...).

I remember believing I had a pet dragon when I came back and everyone either pretending they believed in it too or taunting me to no end. 

I remember my tigers obsession, my pirate obsession, my Webkinz obsession...

I remember dancing all the way home on my last day of sixth grade shouting for joy.

I remember going to middle school and having teachers who taught me so much. Just not a lot about what I signed up for.

I remember flipping my bike and breaking my arm while riding it down my driveway, then explaining what happened twelve times a day.

I remember kind of thinking a guy was cute for about half a day, then the girl who liked him finding out and trying to ruin my life through Facebook.

I remember once in seventh grade wanting middle school to last forever because all the TV shows made it seem like the time of your life. 

And I remember wanting to get out of that baby prison so badly every single day of ninth grade.

I remember my first marching band tour. I was included in something. Then I got excited that I got included in something. Then I got too excited. Then I felt ignored the rest of the tour.

I remember my first time driving. I ran a stop sign. Then I got yelled at for running a stop sign.

I remember my first date. We washed the windshields of the cars outside the temple. We joked around about when the cops would show up. My date guessed 11:45 am. Guess when the cops kicked us out.

I remember watching fireworks with a group of friends. One of the guys sat too close for comfort while my crush was three people over.

I remember not being asked to Prom, but having just as much fun running around in the rain that night with friends who didn't get asked either.

I remember too much drama. Too much growing older and not enough growing up. I remember a lot of friendships made and a lot of friendships broken. I remember learning a lot about trigonometry and learning even more about myself. 

I remember many days I had waited my whole life for that are not much more than memories now.

Senior year is half way done. Another milestone is dead center in my windshield and about to flash by until all I have left is glances in the rear view mirror. 

Five months left until graduation.

Five months left to be a kid.

Five months left until high school is just a memory.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

A gift for Patient Zero

I illuatrated some of my favorite lines from your blog. Hope you like it!