Sunday, November 29, 2015

I Am Not

I am... uhhh...

I am... What to say, what to say.

I am... not.

I am not an adult. That's seven months away.

I am not a pessimist. I've tried to keep Cloudwatching pretty upbeat. How am I doing?

I never liked sports. Other than fencing and marching band. Which deserve as much recognition as any other sport, thank you.

I am not a dancer. But I still bust some serious moves at dances.

I am not ashamed to admit I love Disney movies. Still a little awkward when I see them in theaters.

I am not a "rebel". Molly Mormon to the core.

I am not a romantic. I read Matched (among others) for the intriguing plot. Totally ignored the love triangle.

I have not been to Mexico. But I have been to Europe. Riddle me that.

I am not German. I got asked if I was in Paris. Nope, 'Merica.

I am not Gryffindor, Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. Slytherin for life.

I am not a bug killer.  I always feel so bad.

I am not a gamer. But I will still kick your trash in Mario Karts.

I am not healthy. Chocolate is a fruit. Right?

I am not a mathematician. Ugh, math is the worst.

I am not a turtle. Despite the ongoing nickname since Elementary School.

I am not as outdoorsy as I so wish I was. But I still love nature with all of my heart.

I am not a photographer. I don't like risking losing the moment for a selfie.

I am not a hipster. I used to try to be one before I learned stereotypes are nothing but lies.

I am not who you thought I was.

I am not my favorite anything. Not the places I've been or the people I've met. Not the labels that have been given to me or the way people have treated me. Those things have impacted me, but they are not me.

I'm much more than that.

I am a writer.

I am an artist.

I am a lover of life.

I am a cloud watcher.

I am Allie.

I am me.

Inspired by Patient Zero's reveal. Check it out. It's awesome.


  1. Preach Allie! And yes marching band is a sport thanks for saying so

  2. Great reveal! Nice to meet you Allie

  3. i really like the little things that you wrote after you wrote the other stuff

  4. Like Kanye once said, everything I'm not made me everything I am.

  5. "I am not Gryffindor, Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. Slytherin for life"

    "I am a cloud watcher." and all those other last lines. The big and the little things.


  6. I loved that you commented on your own thoughts. makes it feel so much more real.

    loved this reveal. couldn't have been better.

  7. Alligator Turtle! I love this! Yes! "I am not a hipster." #stolen.

  8. thanks for sharing. you are a neat human being in the best way possible
